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Launch Stage


Accurately, easily predict sales for an upcoming launch

Easy-to-use software tool lets you forecast sales in seconds of any new launch by combining different product attributes. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to the most accurate pre-launch forecasts on the market.
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Why Simporter

There are a lot of tools out there. Here is why you should pick Simporter.


Our data scientists have built the most accurate pre-launch models in the industry with a mean accuracy of 86% at the channel, city, SKU level.


Software lets you track and update your forecasts in real-time. You can share your forecasts in the tool with colleagues and track launches as they go to market.


Run price, distribution, and promotion simulations to update your sales forecast and identify the most effective marketing plan to ensure success.

Use Cases

Launch more best sellers

In just minutes, Simporter empowers you to make prelaunch sales predictions with an average of 85% accuracy at the channel-SKU level. Our integration-free, plug-and-play system lets your team can easily predict future best sellers and slow movers.

Access the highest accuracy in the market

Stress tested with Fortune 500s, our proprietary AI models will let you be the first-mover in your category with confidence. With no training needed, you can leverage multilingual Natural Language Processing, automated attribute extraction, and more to ensure your next product is a hit.

Predict Cannibalization Before Launching

Learn which products are at the highest risk of cannibalizing in seconds so you can make informed decisions around your launch, where to reduce cannibalization, and understand your upcoming launch’s complete impact on your marketshare.

Maximize the success of your launch

Maximize your launch by leveraging AI to get your pricing and distribution just right. Simporter gives you new product forecasts that update as you simulate price and distribution changes.

Simulate promo scenarios

With Simporter, you can simulate different promo scenarios at the channel-region level to spot new sales opportunities and predict your ROI from potential promo spend on a new launch, taking the risk out of new product promotions.

How It Looks

Simporter automates your new product research in the following ways.

Nail Your Pricing and Distribution

Update your pre-launch sales forecast at the SKU level with price and distribution changes. Using the tool, you can find the optimal pricing and distribution plans to make sure your product launch is a hit.

Prevent Cannibalization When Possible

Our models identify product similarity based off attributes to tell you which products are at the highest risk of cannibalization. With this data, you can adjust your assortments and predict where you beat competition.

Get an Immediate Forecast with +86% Accuracy

Simulate a new product launch in seconds by combining the attributes and fundamental marketing variables in your forecast. Compare with other simulations or existing products to get an instant read on success.

Ideation Stage

Capture new product opportunities to speed up your ideation stage of product research and make better concepts.

Want a Free Demo?

Increase your new product success rate and reduce the risk of product failure today.

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